Healthy Heart Awareness

February is Healthy Heart Awareness Month!
Do you know if you really have a healthy heart? How can you find out? We tend to discover health issues only after something happens: reacting rather than preventing.
Having a healthy body can help you maintain a healthy heart. Here are some tips to keep your body healthy:
Take a really good vitamin. Good multi-vitamins are not necessarily expensive. Vitamins that dissolve in your body and contain the appropriate nutrients for your age or gender will benefit your body, regardless of the price.
Exercise. You need to keep your body moving. A simple goal is to walk at least 10,000 steps a day if possible. The best way to track your steps is to use a walking monitor that can be clipped to your belt, wrist, or pants. Record your daily steps and see if you can beat your weekly totals the following week. Something as simple as daily walking can get your heart pumping, helping to get in better shape all around.
Food. Eating more vegetables and less processed foods is a good way to start eating better. Processed foods are easy and quick, but making dinner from whole ingredients can be healthier for you in the long run. Check the nutrition facts before using these quick fixes to see what you are missing. If cooking from scratch seems too overwhelming, start slowly. Make Sunday a designated family cooking day! Get everyone in the kitchen and make five dinners for the week which can be frozen to eat later. This fun family activity can make your Sundays very memorable.
These simple lifestyle changes could save you or someone you love from a very serious health issue. It can only take a few improvements to have a better, healthier life!