Rid the Winter Blues with Hoodie Hoo Day!

Overcome the winter-time blues on Hoodie Hoo Day! To celebrate this holiday all you have to do is go outside at noon on Hoodie Hoo Day and yell a cheerful “Hoodie Hoo!” to your neighbor or people nearby. Although this holiday might seem like a joke holiday, it is an actual holiday that was created and copyrighted by Thomas Roy, who also created over 80 different holidays, many of them quite unusual, such as Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day and Bathtub Party Day.
Beyond helping to startle those around you out of their winter-funk, this holiday also aims to serve as a reminder to prepare yourself and others for the coming of spring. Preparing for garden work and other spring activities is also a good way to spend your time on Hoodie Hoo Day.
On February 20 at noon, raise your hands over your head and loudly exclaim, “Hoodie Hoo!!” for all the world to hear.