Resident of the Month

This month’s resident spotlight is Rozell B. Ms. Rozelle came to live at Shady Lawn in September 2020. She is currently our oldest resident at a whopping 104 years young and will be turning 105 on May 2. She is a complete joy, and we enjoy her smile and wit every day. We love that we are blessed and privileged to be given the task of taking care of her at this stage in her life. Ms. Rozell lived her entire life in Cerulean, Ky. with her husband Earl and two daughters, Joyce and Carolyn. She was a member of Cerulean Baptist Church. She worked as a clerk at Montgomery Wards dept. store and loved to sew in her spare time. One of her favorite memories was passing out Halloween goodies to the neighborhood children, some of which are now her care givers. We want to wish Ms. Rozell a very happy 105th birthday and feel blessed that we get to share this special life moment with her.