
Short-Term Success Story: Ms. Teresa

Nov 2023 short-term success story, Ms. Teresa

Ms. Teresa admitted to us following a complex hospitalization due to infection of her left knee replacement. She underwent surgery to have the artificial knee removed and an antibiotic speaker was placed. She was also admitted to the facility with IV antibiotics and weight bearing as tolerated with a left knee immobilizer. Upon admission, she was unable to ambulate and required substantial assistance with transfers, going from a lying to a sitting position in the bed, dressing, bathing, and could only stand supported for one minute. Ms. Teresa worked hard in her occupational and physical therapy five times a week for 30 days. She met all her goals while in therapy and was able to ambulate 75 feet with a rolling walker. Therapy discharged her and she was able to transfer, dress, and bathe independently. Her goal was to return home at her prior level of function, and she succeeded that. She was a pleasure to work with and motivated to return to her home. Congrats Ms. T!

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